The premier newsletter for leaders that features thoughtful advice and resources delivered straight to your email inbox!
Hello! I’m Elizabeth Nkukuu, a Chartered Financial Analyst and passionate investment professional with over 15 years of experience gained working with top fund management firms in Kenya. My personal goal is to share my vast investment knowledge with you to empower you to make sound investment choices.
The Investment Digest Newsletter is filled with personal and business investments insights, helpful commentary and other high-quality, engaging content designed to help you make better investment choices.
My readers include individual contributors, executives and entrepreneurs, thinkers and doers, teachers and students and many other good people like yourself who want to grow their financial knowledge and build wealth.
This newsletter is my attempt to write the advice I have always wanted to read.
I would love to have you on board ⛵
Creating sustainable solutions for wealth creation.
If you’ve made it this far… thank you. Shoot me a message me here if you have questions, I’d love to hear from you.