"Freedom in general may be defined as the absence of obstacles to the realization of desires." - Bertrand Russell and as per Moshe Dayan- Freedom is the oxygen of the soul
To live a fulfilled life, one needs to think that they have the power to make decisions at will. Lack of this liberty enslaves us to the point that we are not sure of what to do next making it almost impossible to make any meaningful progress. We have seen many people and countries fight for freedom with some having won and delivered well to their citizens and creating equality like the US while others despite being free they still struggle to offer good lives to their people. At a personal level freedom to be able to do what you want is of paramount importance but key to note is that freedoms come with great responsibility. Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect. Eleanor Roosevelt
To live a truly free life below are some of the key tips:
1. Plan well: we have seen people agitate for different freedoms spiritual, financial, speech, political etc. for one to be truly free, they need to ensure that they plan well so that they can foresee any possible challenges and even if not, they can know how to navigate any challenge,
2.Spend time: Understanding the subject matter is important as the only way to make good decisions, is through making good decisions willingly. Without sufficient information one cannot possibly make the right call,
3. Team Up: Big goals are achieved when people pull in the same direction. "It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." – Napolean Hill
4. Implement Consistently: There's no way to become great overnight, but in the marathon of success, it takes a lot of intention to see you through each day of the journey- Lewis Howes
5. Allow yourselves to fail: “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” - Mahatma Gandhi
Most of the time our freedom is stuck in the mind, this is why, to be truly free we need to allow our minds to wonder freely and invent without fear of failure. “For everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labour in freedom.” Albert Einstein
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