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Grit and Your Finances

Published on
February 6, 2022
Elizabeth Nkukuu
Scribbled text on a paper

Different people have defined GRIT in different ways:

​Grit is sticking with your future day in, day out and not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years.” - Angela Lee Duckworth

​“Grit, the raw endurance, perseverance, and passion that keeps you going despite obstacles.” - Anonymous

​“Grit is the persistence in following your own destiny.” — Paul Bradley Smith

​So when you think about what we all want is to be financially free and noting that financial freedom means many things to different people. The key thing is that one needs to identify what they want to achieve and throw themselves all in. The key motivation should always not be to have as much cash as possible but to have the goals that you need to achieve.

​Some of the reasons that we quit on our dreams on matters finances include:

1. ​Procrastination to start and so we tell ourselves that it can be done later;

​2. Our past relationship with money might not have been good and so we convince ourselves the situation is so bad and give up on trying;

​3. Wrong company or belonging to a wrong social group;

4. ​Thinking that someone owes it to you to be successful eg your parent or your employer;

​5. Lack of adequate knowledge and information.

​Irrespective of our background we can work to improve on our financial future. Below are some of the things that we can do to improve our success chances.

​Understand yourself: Some of us have not concretely gone through the process of understanding who we are and what we stand for. We do not understand our why and that is why we end up quitting as we are looking for something that we can't quite define. Taking some of the available personality tests can help you figure out who you are.

​Gathering information and knowledge: The best way to do this is to invest in oneself. The investment in self can take many forms eg attending webinars, reading, enrolling in a course, etc. The aim is to understand how you can improve yourself

​Seeking help: We have been brought up in a society where there are expectations on how strong we should remain and at times we cave in. Seeking help does not make us weak but shows that we are human.

​Having an accountability partner or an accountability partnership: At times we do things since we need not let some people down. We might give excuses to ourselves but many are the times we do not want to let other people down. Seek out the people that you can easily resonate with and work with them more from a professional services level

​Regardless of where we are “Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.” — Rick Warren. The only thing that you need in all you do and matters finances is the resolve to succeed.

​Need to take this financial freedom journey and need someone to walk with you reach out to us at

​If you are ready to start the wealth creation journey you can join our Personal Wealth Creation Masterclass here

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