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Living life under your terms

Published on
April 8, 2022
Elizabeth Nkukuu
Scribbled text on a paper

“The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms.” –Chris Brogan

​Options in life are what makes us going. When you think about why most people work so hard, it is all because they want to ensure that they preserve the options they do have. When one can create those options while doing what they love and doing good is the ultimate happiness. The attainment of this is what we call financial freedom. People want to become wealthier to make them happier. Happiness is a complicated subject because everyone’s different. But if there’s a common denominator in happiness—a universal fuel of joy—it’s that people want to control their lives. It is the highest dividend money pays – Psychology of money.

​The main question then is what is it that I need to do to truly be able to live under my terms. Below are some of the key things that come to mind required to make the journey worthwhile:

i. Have a clear plan: The plan has in place where one needs to be headed and details out what needs to be in place as one moves to that direction. This is similar to a business plan for individuals and not only do we have the plan we look at what we have and what we need to get to the destination;

ii. Understand the tools required: For anything that is worth doing, having clear tools that one needs is important. In the financial wellness journey, there are a couple of tools that are important among them: Budgeting, Saving and Investments, Debt Management skills etc;

iii. Create an accountability Partnership framework: The financial freedom journey is long and one needs to ensure that they have people not only cheering them up but holding them into account to what they have committed to achieve. The people could be professionals or even people close to us like the family;

iv. Information and knowledge: If we are to move from one point to the other we must ensure that we have the right information to get us to our destination.

​Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family- Kofi Annan.

If you want to join a team ready to push their financial wellness journey forward, join our Private Wealth Creation program, which covers most of the above pillars, as we do the April Intake. All the questions shall be answered. Register here:

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