“It is better to wait until you get the right thing, at the right time and in the right place; than to race for the wrong thing, at the wrong time and in the wrong place, for it yields nothing but disgrace.” ― Gift Gugu Mona
This week I have been thinking why is it that it takes us so long to start on somethings that we for sure know we want, a good example for me is my swimming classes. Ever since high school I really wanted to learn swimming but for some strange reason there was always a reason I have not been serious with it. This year I however decided it cannot wait any longer and I have scheduled a day that it has to happen every week. The key learning in all of this is that for as long as the desire is there you shall get there. In the meantime as you wait for the perfect time to start below are the things that you should focus on:
i. Define the why: Why is what you want to do important. Is the why strong enough to make you wake up and run towards the goal. If the why is not that strong then you shall for sure falter. When seeking on when to start focus on the feeling once you are on the other side of the doing;
ii. Create process and routine: When you have to think about something many at times you end up not doing it as you spend more time on the thinking than on the execution. Process and routine help kill the small little voice that tells you it is not today;
iii. Have an accountability framework: The thoughts of letting people or yourself down helps push us steps further. For some, it is always good to have people who we do the work together or someone who just cheers us on. We are human and sometimes we are weak so let us have someone who is strong for us.
All in all let us know that we can never be ahead of our time, things happen when they have to and it for us is to be ready and enjoy the ride. Give each of your life the best so that when you embark on new things, the learnings of the previous phase shall propel you.
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